Personal Information and Specific Personal Information Protection Policy

GENTOS Corporation recognizes the significant social responsibility of protecting the personal information and specific personal information of our customers and employees in the course of our business operations. We hereby establish the following Personal Information and Specific Personal Information Protection Policy and declare our commitment to ensuring appropriate handling throughout the entire company.
  • Personal Information and Specific Personal Information will be acquired and provided using appropriate means, limited to the scope necessary for delegated tasks and employment/personnel management of our employees. Furthermore, we will not engage in handling beyond the necessary range to achieve the specified purposes (purpose limitation) and will take measures to achieve this.
  • We will implement reasonable security measures through education, audits, and improvements to address risks such as unauthorized access to Personal Information and Specific Personal Information, as well as risks of loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage of personal information. We will continually improve our Personal Information and Specific Personal Information protection system.
  • We will comply with applicable laws and regulations and other norms concerning the personal information and specific personal information held by our company.
  • We will respond promptly and appropriately to inquiries and complaints regarding Personal Information and Specific Personal Information.
  • Considering social needs, individual demands, and the latest trends in IT technology, we will periodically and appropriately review and continuously improve our Personal Information and Specific Personal Information protection system.

Date of Establishment: April 1, 2023

Makoto Okazaki

GENTOS Corporation President,


Handling of Personal Information and Specific Personal Information

Based on the "Personal Information and Specific Personal Information Protection Policy," GENTOS Corporation handles the personal information and specific personal information used for our business operations as follows:
  1. Purposes of Use for Personal Information and Specific Personal Information, and Personal-related Information

 (1) We handle the personal information we collect in a proper manner within the scope of the following purposes of use:

Personal Information Name Purposes of Use
Customer's Personal Information For sending products and catalogs For contacting after-sales services and support For providing information on new products and services For marketing purposes For communication regarding quotes, purchase orders, delivery notes, and invoices For issuing non-applicability certificates For sending newsletters
Personal Information of Business Partners For sending quotes, purchase orders, delivery notes, and invoices For communication regarding quotes, purchase orders, delivery notes, and invoices For issuing non-applicability certificates
Personal Information of Job Applicants For contacting applicants for recruitment interviews For notifying the results of recruitment selection
Personal Information of Employees For personnel and labor management (as explicitly indicated in a separate consent form) For personnel and sales management using location information
Personal Information obtained through inquiries For communication in response to inquiries
Personal Information obtained through commissioned business For fulfilling contractual obligations in the commissioned business

(2) We handle specific personal information and similar data properly within the scope of specific affairs related to social security, taxation, and disaster measures.

  1. Third-Party Provision of Personal Information and Specific Personal Information

(1) We do not disclose or provide personal information to third parties for business purposes, except in the following cases (1) to (7):

    1. When the individual gives consent
    2. When required by laws or regulations
    3. When necessary for the protection of human life, body, or property, and obtaining consent from the individual is difficult
    4. When particularly necessary for promoting public health or fostering the healthy development of children, and obtaining consent from the individual is difficult
    5. When the data handling entity is an academic research institution, and the provision of the individual's data is indispensable for the publication or teaching of research results, excluding cases where there is a risk of unduly infringing on the individual's rights and interests
    6. When the data handling entity is an academic research institution, and the provision of the individual's data is necessary for research purposes, including cases where part of the purpose of handling the individual's data is for academic research, excluding cases where there is a risk of unduly infringing on the individual's rights and interests (limited to cases where the data handling entity and the third party jointly conduct academic research)
    7. When the third party is an academic research institution, and the third party needs to handle the individual's data for research purposes, including cases where part of the purpose of handling the individual's data is for academic research, excluding cases where there is a risk of unduly infringing on the individual's rights and interests.

(2) We only provide specific personal information in cases that fall under the provisions of Article 19 of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual, and we will not provide specific personal information for any other purposes.

  1. Joint Use of Personal Information

In order to achieve the purposes of use stated in paragraph 1, we may jointly use the personal information collected as follows. If there are any changes in the "Purpose of Joint Use" or the "Handling of Personal Data," we will disclose the details in advance.

(1) Services and Entities for Joint Use

 For personnel management purposes.

(2) Items of Personal Data to be Jointly Used

    1. Personnel management information (name, address, date of birth, age, gender, telephone number, fax number, position)
    2. Information specified in the Articles of Incorporation (name, address, telephone number, etc.)

(3) Entities for Joint Use


(4) Purposes of Use by Entities for Joint Use

    1. Personnel management.

(5) Name or Name and Address of the Person in Charge of Managing Jointly Used Personal Data and, for corporations,

the name of their representative

GENTOS (THAILAND) CO., LTD. - Yukio Sugibayashi

GENTOS Corporation President - Makoto Okazaki

  1. Management of Contractors and Others

In order to achieve the purposes of use stated in paragraph 1, we may entrust the personal information and specific personal information collected to contracted companies with whom we have concluded agreements. We require these contracted companies to handle, manage, and protect the information appropriately and prohibit them from disclosing or providing it to third parties or using it for purposes other than those stated in paragraph 1.

  1. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

This website employs SSL encryption technology on pages where personal information is entered. The data entered is protected by encrypted communication and securely managed.

  1. Cookies and Similar Technologies

Cookies are strings of information that are sent and received between the server of the accessed website and the customer's browser when accessing a website. They are stored in the customer's browser and used to manage and identify users, but they do not contain information that can personally identify the customer.

If you allow cookie information to be sent and received in your browser settings, we may use cookie information. You also have the option to reject the sending and receiving of cookie information by changing your browser settings.

This website uses cookies through Google Analytics technology. The cookie information used in this service is solely for purposes mentioned in Article 3, such as content optimization, targeted advertising delivery, and analysis of advertising effectiveness. We do not use cookies for any other purposes or collect personal information.

  1. Measures for the Secure Management of Personal Information by Our Company

(1) Establishment of Basic Policies

In order to ensure appropriate handling of personal data, we have established basic policies regarding "Compliance with Relevant Laws, Guidelines, etc." and "Contact Points for Questions and Complaints."

(2) Establishment of Disciplinary Rules for Handling Personal Data

At each stage of acquisition, utilization, storage, provision, deletion, and disposal of personal data, we have formulated regulations for handling personal data, specifying the handling methods, responsible persons, roles, and responsibilities.

(3) Organizational Security Measures

We have appointed responsible personnel for the handling of personal data, clarified the scope of personal data handled by employees and such employees, and established a reporting and communication system to report any facts or signs of violation of laws or regulations to the responsible personnel.

We conduct regular internal audits on the handling status of personal data and undergo external audits based on the guidelines of the Personal Information Protection Commission as criteria for the JAPHIC mark.

(4) Human Security Measures

We conduct regular training for employees on matters concerning the handling of personal data.

Confidentiality regarding personal data is included in the employment rules

(5) Physical Security Measures

In areas where personal data is handled, we manage the entry and exit of employees and implement measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal data.

We take measures to prevent theft, loss, etc., of equipment, electronic media, and documents that handle personal data, and when carrying such equipment, electronic media, etc., including during movement within the premises, we implement measures to ensure that personal data is not easily identifiable.

(6) Technical Security Measures

We implement access control to limit the scope of personnel and databases handling personal information.

We introduce mechanisms to protect the information systems handling personal data from unauthorized external access and malicious software.

We introduce encryption technology SSL on pages where personal information is entered, and the entered data is protected by encrypted communication.

(7) Understanding of External Environment

We are aware of the systems related to the protection of personal information in Thailand, where we store personal data, and implement security measures accordingly.

  1. Procedures for Inquiries and Requests for Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information and Specific Personal Information

(1) We will respond sincerely if the individual or their authorized representative requests notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, records of third-party provision, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of third-party provision (hereinafter referred to as "Disclosure, etc.") regarding personal information and specific personal information.

(2) When making an inquiry, we will verify whether the requester is the individual or their authorized representative.

(3) If we cannot confirm the individual or their representative as the requester, we may not be able to respond to the inquiry or request for disclosure, etc.

(4) Requests for disclosure, etc. from the individual or their authorized representative will be answered within a reasonable period.

<Procedure for Disclosure, etc.>
  1.  Please contact us by email, telephone, fax, or other means to the following contact point.
  2.  We will send you the "Application for Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information" specified by our company, and you are required to fill in the necessary information.
  3. We will verify your identity based on the personal information we hold.
  4. In the case of inquiries from an authorized representative, we will confirm their status as the representative with a power of attorney or a seal certificate.
  5. Please mail the "Application for Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information."
  6. The personal information provided through the "Application for Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information" will be used for contacting you and verifying your identity for the purpose of your inquiry only. It will not be used for any other purposes. The received documents will be kept for one year after the completion of the response to the request for disclosure, etc., and then will be disposed of.
However, information regarding the purchase date, purchase details, repair history, and so on will be provided over the phone after verifying your identity. *For procedures related to disclosure, etc., of specific personal information, the same process applies, but from the perspective of compliance with the Number Act, the decision on whether disclosure is possible will be made by the Specific Personal Information Protection Manager before providing the disclosure.</> <Payment of Postage for "Request for Disclosure, etc." and Collection Method>   When making a "Request for Disclosure, etc.," you are required to bear the postage of 2,500 yen for each application. Please enclose 2,500 yen worth of postage stamps with the application documents.
  1. Contact for Disclosure, Complaints, and Consultations Regarding Personal Information and Specific Personal Information
Contact for Personal Information Inquiries: 2-9-7 Ikenohata, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 110-0008, Japan GENTOS Corporation Customer Support Desk, Representative Phone number: 03-3824-1667 [Office Hours]: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays)
  1. Certified Personal Information Protection Organization
Our company is a business operator certified by the Japan Personal Information Protection Certification Organization (General Incorporated Association JAPHIC Mark Certification Organization) under the Personal Information Protection Act. For complaints and consultations related to personal information, please refer to the following link: *This contact is not for inquiries regarding our company's products or services.

Makoto Okazaki

GENTOS Corporation President:

2-9-7 Ikenohata, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 110-0008, Japan